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Elevate Your Creativity with Visual Art Classes for Teens and Adults! 🌟
Unlock your artistic potential with our transformative Visual Art Communication and Therapy classes. 🖌️ Whether you're a teen exploring your passion or an adult seeking therapeutic expression, our classes offer a unique blend of creativity and self-discovery.
Tout klas Biznis ak Teknoloji anseye pa Tatiana Vilbrun, M.A.
nan Teknoloji ak espesyalizasyon sou aprantisaj ak ansèyman dijital
Edikasyon Teknoloji Karyè Sètifye Eta New Jersey (CTE) fasilitatè/edikatè
All Visual Arts classes taught by
Isaac (Yitzhak) Howard, B.A.
State of New Jersey Certified Career Technology Education Teacher of Visual Art.
adolesan estidyo louvri
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